April 2005, after collecting all the yellow ramps and slopes I found in our collection, I created something that changed my enjoyment of LEGO forever, the Roadster Tigre: A recent render (using Stud.io) There are many places I could start this story: the first time I received a large Lego set (6339 Shuttle Launch Pad in 1995), the first time I acquired a Lego Racers car and some wheels, or even the first time my parents got me a bucket of lego... but this story does not start with legos, but with available technology: Summer 2004 - my first phone with a camera, the ultra-cool Nokia 3200 - besides taking photos you could also change its colour and background through changing the phone's physical background with your own custom drawings! Anyway, back to the point: I started photographing everything I could. It was a very low-resolution camera, but for the time it was my world! It wasn't good enough to take pictures of my drawings, so what else could I use the camera for... Nokia ...
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